Healthy Soul, Healthy Mind, And Healthy Physical

Healthy Soul, Healthy Mind, And  Healthy Physical 
By Taufik Aziz

Introduction  A life is a space for humans to live their life order, fulfill their ambitions, or their ideals. Everyone competes against each other to get wealth, position and popularity. But often the health of human beings is often ignored. Building an introduction to my argument the meaning of health is very broad, not only physical health alone. Physical health is a very expensive and extraordinary facility provided by God for us to live our lives. How not, let us imagine one example, God freed humans to enjoy O2 even though the price of an oxygen cylinder is very expensive. Often the thinking and grateful awareness of humans is neglected because it is inferior to their ambition to achieve wealth even though being physically fit has become a major asset. Physical health will facilitate our mobilization in activities. Physically healthy with gratitude will cause awareness and lead to a healthy lifestyle. Someone who has been aware of a healthy lifestyle, then he will appreciate his life to make use of it in his life. Of course a healthy lifestyle needs to be familiarized with early on. Character education from an early age from the smallest environment such as family to broad social order must be correlated to form good habits. Since the global catastrophe has emerged, the covid-19 sense of public anxiety arises and is more concerned about and maintaining its health. So that humans become alert and more respectful of their lives. So how do you care for your mental, logical, and physical health? 

Content Mentally healthy Mental health for me is soul cleanliness. When the soul is clean then there will be no bad actions that endanger the soul. Someone who does not have mental health will be chaotic life and can experience mental disorders, even though he is not psychologically crazy. A simple example of a healthy soul is to dispose of trash in its place, if human souls are not healthy then he does not think about the future effects. Environmental factors have a big influence on this, as in Singapore with strict rules, souls conscious of cleanliness are forced to live healthy. So important is the awareness and cleanliness of the environment that the Singapore government implemented the policy. Another example is to realize the precious time available, a healthy person whose soul will not spend his time just for nothing, and will evaluate his life every day, because for him life is very valuable.

Healthy reasoning Healthy reasoning thinking becomes an instrument that cannot be left behind. Because sound reasoning can lead to good actions. As a student must have reason that is oriented towards achievement and usefulness. Of course, habits that are less useful must be reduced and conceptualize planning carefully to set targets.

Physically fit Physical health has an important meaning for life because it will support various activities. When lying sick, the pleasure for easy mobilization of activities is disrupted. So it is very important to keep this physically healthy. People often ignore health because they are too busy with work, then do not have healthy living habits, and relationships are not maintained. The impact of health on ourselves is that it will hamper our potential to grow and disappoint our family as we are the hope for the family to increase the level of family or other good wishes.
The impact of our health on others is that it will add to the problem, if we get sick because of bacteria or viruses, it will potentially spread to others, and we will trouble those closest to us.

Conclusion Given the importance of health to facilitate our mobilization in activities it is necessary to maintain our health. Start with good and consistent habits. The way I promote health by inviting sports friends routinely, and I have applied it with our department friends to play badminton in one week can be 2 to 3 times. 


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